Tuesday, 25 August 2015


Today room 28 did youth town and we learnt how to play hockey or field hockey in the hall we did dribbling'zigzag around the cones.  My team was Nadia'Gorgia and Charlotte and me.
We also played a game called king of the square witch is a game when you have a ball and a hockey stick and you have to knock the other persons tennis ball out of the ring. At the end we did a clap at the end of 3 1'2'3 clap.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Fractions learning

My reflection
It was hard because I am not that good at fractions.
My next step is to get better at fractions.

1.What is a fair share? when a group gets the same number of something.
2.What does equal mean? It means everybody gets the same amount.
3.What does a fraction look like? A number at the top and a line in the middle and a number at the bottom.
4.What is the numerator? Is the number at the top.
What is the denominator? is the bottom number.
What is the denominator? Is the bottom number.